Added some new winamp skins. I've had them for a while just never remembered to put them up. They were made by Wildeyes from over at the Asian Obsession boards. Also added some new half-life sprays/decals. If you have any special requests please make them in the forum.
I've been playing a couple of games for the past couple days. They are web based games. The first one is called RockStarGame. It's really neat. Your goal is to be the ultimate rock star. On your road to being the best you have to practice your skills, go on tour, produce albums and singles. Theres a lot more to it but it is definately fun.
The second game is another turn based web game. It is called Gang Wars. In this game you are trying to be the best gang. To be the best you have to make money selling drugs, pimping whores, and beating up other gangs. It's really fun. I've started a clan/gang going by the name TOTPC. If you start playing gang wars and want to join a gang just request to join and I'll add you to the gang. Joining a gang lets you earn more money and gives you extra protection.
6.01.2002 at 3:33 PM EST
Added link to It's a great site with lots of wallpaper, skins, buddy icons, etc. That's it for now. The pop up killer info will be updated later. Ahaha I recommend you download the Debbie Does Dallas theme song. So great!
I like pizza, I like bagels,
I like hot gods with mustard and beer
I'll eat eggplant,
I could even eat a baby deer
Who's that baby deer on the lawn there?
Stay tuned for more mindless updates.
5.31.2002 at 4:33 PM EST
Updates coming soon. Must go Beer Uhm haha JK.
5.21.2002 at 1:18 PM EST
Added the quick wallpaper resizing guide.
5.18.2002 at 10:33 PM EST
Used more space on tripod than was allocated to me so had to do a little moving around of files. If something doesn't work please post a message on the forum. The forums have been changed from ezboard format to a cgiworld so you don't have to register before posting a message. Hopefully someone will post something now :P
Added some skins and buddy icons. More stuff coming soon. BTW check out Knov1's new site dedicated to Sung Yuri of Fine Killing Liberty. Its called the Yuri Shrine.
In the works are a wallpaper/background resizing tutorial and something else which i can't remember now.... bleh :\ OMG i remember now. A tutorial on making pop up ads not so annoying.
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